(image: Hasegawa Tohaku - Shōrin-Zu Byōbu)

Disconcerted Sounds Last.fm Group - here. A curiosity if nothing more...

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Digitalis Ltd madness!

Seriously mental amount of new releases on the ever amazing Digitalis Ltd. 22 new cassettes in total!

10 cassettes are contained in the Ajilvsga split series called 'Skull Bundle'. It obviously features Ajilvsga, a lot of Ajilvsga, but also the likes of Uton, Pete Swanson, Sean McCann, Taiga Remains and six others. It will set you back $50-60 depending on where you are, but that's insanely cheap considering the amount of music and that postage is included. Plus they come in fantastic looking handmade pouches. Well worth the money in my eyes. Limited to 35 but possibly 45 (dependant on being able to get more pouches made). Some will be getting re-released on their own later in the year in editions of around 20. *Sold Out*

If you're not broke after that (like myself) you could go for the next cassette series from Peeesseye. Another 6 cassettes featuring live performances throughout Europe over a two year period. No doubt if you're a Sunn O))) fan you'll notice the inclusion of Stephen O'Malley. These tapes will ship in parts up to the completion in December and will set you back $32-40. Limited to 75 copies.

Then, if you're still fortunate to have notes left in your pocket, there are six more single cassettes from Keijo, Christopher Riggs, a split between Blue Sabbath Black Fiji and Ajilvsga, Fletcher Pratt, Joe Montana and Some Of My Best Friends Are... Black Guys that are limited between 40 and 85 copies.

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